Person celebrating

Elevating Individuals at a Crossroads

U-RYZE's Mission

Our approach is geared towards helping people where they are.

Our Values

We have communities in 14 cities across the United States.

Our Team

Meet our founder and board members.

Learn More

Get involved with our mission through volunteering and donations.

Our Vision

U-RYZE is a 501(c)3 working to make the world a better place to live for everyone. We spread awareness for our cause, offer programs and services to our community and fund initiatives for change.

Join Us as a Volunteer

Have a little spare time? Use it to help out at one of our community locations. You’ll leave feeling fulfilled with the knowledge that you made a difference in a neighbor’s life.

Support Our Programs

Our generous supporters have helped us expand our offerings to help more people in need, but there’s still more work to be done. Will you help out a neighbor in need?
